Thursday, January 30, 2020

FAN UP Market Analysis and Sales Projections Essay Example for Free

FAN UP Market Analysis and Sales Projections Essay FAN UP is positioned within the Smartphone Applications Industry. Mobile devices with remote internet capability, smart phones, have created an entirely new market of users that can be reached on the go. Due to the recent nature of Smartphone technology, we are witnessing rapid growth and innovation in the smart phone applications industry. FAN UP allows the event host the ability to seamlessly pair a sponsor with individuals coming to the event. By doing so, FAN UP will open the door to endless brand reach through Social Media via the user, additional in- ­Ã¢â‚¬ game/concert advertisement, fan appreciation, and a creative way for each event host to use their event to leverage underutilized sponsorships and promote their brand. Industry Analysis Mobile applications have changed a number of industry landscapes in recent history. This industry shows annual growth projections from 2009- ­Ã¢â‚¬ 2014 to be 49.8% and from 2013- ­Ã¢â‚¬ 2018 to be 28.9%. The evidence of this growth is a reason this app will be successful. Competition in the Smartphone Applications Industry is very strong. Because of this, it is important to analyze the different forces at work within the industry. This chart, information gathered from IBIS World, lays out the industry structure: Life Cycle Stage Growth Revenue Volatility Very high Capital Intensity Low Industry Assistance Low Concentration Level Low Regulation Level Medium Technology Change High Barriers to Entry Low Industry Globalization Low Competition Level High The first key external factor in this industry is the number of mobile internet connections. As the number of smart phone purchases increases with the number of mobile internet connections in 2014, app developers will have a larger market for their products. Secondly, as demand from e- ­Ã¢â‚¬ commerce increases in 2014, retailers have expanded their product lines, the platforms on which they operate, and retailers are expected to create more shopping apps to assist time- ­Ã¢â‚¬ strapped consumers. Next, time spent on leisure and sports represents one of the most key external factors. Time spent on leisure and sports is expected to decrease slowly in 2014, resulting in a potential threat for the industry. While the industry now serves a broad audience, leisure time is a major restrictive factor in a consumers ability to use and purchase smart phone app products. The US Census Bureau data re- ­Ã¢â‚¬ iterates more of the same industry trends. â€Å"In 2011, U.S. nonfarm businesses with employees spent a total of $289.9 billion on non- ­Ã¢â‚¬ capitalized and capitalized information and communication technology (ICT) equipment, including computer software. This represents an increase of 10.6% from 2010. Of the $65.2 billion spent on noncapitalized computer software, $29.9 billion was for purchases and payroll for developing software, an increase of 7.3% from 2010. $35.3 billion was for software licensing and service/maintenance agreements, an increase of $3.9 billion (12.6 percent) from 2010.† Although the growth of mobile apps is on the rise, revenue earned from these apps is expected to increase at a slower rate. Over the next five years, consumers are expected to continue wander away from pay- ­Ã¢â‚¬ to- ­Ã¢â‚¬ download apps, forcing developers to embrace the â€Å"freemium† business model that relies on monetizing free downloads after the fact via in- ­Ã¢â‚¬ app purchases. By 2019, free downloads are expected to account for about 95.5% of total mobile app store downloads. In the five years to 2019, revenue is expected to experience a 28.9% increase, reaching a total of a $34.7 billion smart phone application industry. Market Analysis The market analysis for FAN UP is atypical of most apps. FAN UP will start by focusing on the target market of Sports Franchises in the US and Concert and Event Promotion in the US. FAN UP will serve Gym, Health and Fitness Clubs in the US, Ski and Snowboard Resorts in the US, and Amusement Parks in the US in the secondary market. The sports franchise market in the US is comprised of sports teams or clubs that participate in live professional or semiprofessional sporting events (e.g. baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer and other team sports) before a paying audience. This market makes up the first half of the target market. Over the five years to 2013, revenue is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1.4% to $23.6 billion, and includes a 1.5% increase in 2013 alone. The key external factors for the sports franchise market loosely hold true for the entire scope of the FAN UP market. The external factors include per capita disposable income is expected to increase by 0.8% during 2013, the number of households earning more than $100,000 is expected to increase slowly over 2013, external competition from other sports franchises is expected to increase during 2013 which represents a threat in the industry but not the market, and time spent on leisure and sports is expected to decrease slowly during 2013. Industry revenue is expected to expand 1.5% in 2013. Also, some franchises are opening new or remodeling existing stadiums to attract more consumers. Concert and Event Promotion in the US is the second half of the target market. This market creates, manages and promotes live performances and events, ranging from concerts and theater performances to state fairs and air shows. This industry has an annual growth projection of 2.6% from 2013- ­Ã¢â‚¬ 2018 with 49,825 operating businesses. Federal funding for Creative Arts is the key external factor that deviates from the sports franchises market. Many nonprofit establishments in this industry rely to some extent on federal funding, particularly grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, an independent agency that Congress established in 1965 to support the arts. Federal funding for creative arts is expected to increase slowly during 2013. This market has a history of good performance even when other industries struggle. Except for moderate wavering in 2010, the economic downturn ha s done little to deter Americans from attending live concerts and other entertainment events. Over the five years to 2013, industry revenue has grown at an estimated annualized rate of 1.3% to $23.7 billion, including a 3.5% anticipated increase in 2013. Revenue Model FAN UP will create revenue through brokerage fees, reach bonuses, and advertising. This recurring revenues model will be paid by the host of the event (i.e. Carolina Panthers, Live Nation, etc.) for each event in which FAN UP participates. The app will be free from the App Store because, as shown in the data, consumers are increasingly less likely to pay for an app. The brokerage fees are for the access to the app’s consumer base. The reach bonus is in place because with more reach, the more the host can charge the sponsor of the FAN UP sponsorship package. The FAN UP pricing will be dynamic in that negotiations must take place with each new partner in order to agree upon the percentage of the FAN UP sponsorship that FAN UP will receive. The price of the FAN UP sponsorship package will be a negotiation be tween the event host and the brand. Works Cited: 1. IBIS World 2. US Census Bureau 3. ­Ã¢â‚¬ business- ­Ã¢â‚¬ information- ­Ã¢â‚¬  systems- ­Ã¢â‚¬ apps- ­Ã¢â‚¬ websites- ­Ã¢â‚¬ and- ­Ã¢â‚¬ more/s13- ­Ã¢â‚¬ industry- ­Ã¢â‚¬ analysis- ­Ã¢â‚¬ smartphone - ­Ã¢â‚¬ a.html 4. ­Ã¢â‚¬ app- ­Ã¢â‚¬  development.html#.UvBroChU6xK 5. ­Ã¢â‚¬ statistics/

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Therapy Session Experience Review Essay -- Family Therapy, Family Coun

Our first session with the Smith family was very informative. The first 20 minutes of the session were the most noteworthy because of our effectiveness joining with the family and the depth of information we gained. This achievement is due, in part, to having all four of the Smith’s participate in the session. Pinsof (as cited in Sprenkle, Davis, & Lebow, 2014) believes that having the entire family involved in the therapy sessions from the beginning gives the therapist a clearer understanding of the system and â€Å"a more accurate understanding of the problem maintenance structure† (p.39). As the Smith family entered the therapy room, Regina’s tension was evident before the session officially began. As they were about to sit down, she quickly moved between George and Rob. During the session, I observed George making faces, rolling his eyes, and whisper comments to Rob. Rob would respond by making jokes about hurting George or threatening physical gestures; pu nching his fist into the palm of his other hand or moving a finger across his throat in a slashing motion. Afterward Rob would smile at Theresa and me and shrug his shoulders but George would act as though he hadn’t participated in the exchange. Regina and Kevin did not acknowledge George's behavior but would sigh or frown at Rob’s. This interaction would not have been observed if the entire family hadn’t attended. The session began with a brief introduction of everyone in the room which was followed by an ice breaker activity. During a previous classroom demonstration, markers were used as an ice breaker with a young family (D. Baker, personal communication, March 18, 2014). It was a simple action that created a connection so I adopted the practice. According to Patterson, ... ...: Race, culture, and gender in clinical practice (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Guildford Press. Patterson, J., Williams, L., Edwards, T. M., Chamow, L., Grauf-Grounds, C. (2009). Essential skills in family therapy (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press. Strengthening Families, (2014). Retrieved from: Sprenkle, J., Davis, S. D., Lebow, J. L. (2009). Common factors in couple and family therapy: The overlooked foundation for effective practice. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Taibbi, R. (2007). Doing family therapy: Craft and creativity in clinical practice (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press. Walsh, F. (2008). Spirituality, healing, and resilience. In M. McGoldrick and K. V. Hardy (Ed.), Re-visioning family therapy: Race, culture, and gender in clinical practice (2nd Ed.) (pp. 61-75). New York, NY: Guildford Press.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Realists and Liberalists Views

Liberalists and Realists World Views Liberalists and realists have completely different views on the world stage. Liberalists’ views are based on liberty and equality while Realists views are based on security and relationships with great powers. Liberalists believe that an international society can work together to resolve problems. This involves trade between all nations and war would end so that everyone could live in peace and help each other out. Liberalists also believe that war should only occur when it is an absolute emergency and not just to acquire new land or to improve their economy.The realists on the other hand believe that war is inevitable and that the best way of avoiding war is to be strong and let your enemies know that you are ready for anything. Realists believe that if we rely on reason to resolve war that nothing will ever get resolved. After World War Two, realists’ views were favored by the majority of the world. Realists argued that in world po litics there is no government to set rules or protect states, so that each state must look after its own because you cannot always rely on other states for help. I believe that there has to be a happy medium that the liberalists and the realists can come too.Why can’t we all work together to provide security for the whole world. There is no reason why our world has to be going to war all the time over territory or because we need to help an ally. War never really solves anything it usually just leads to more violence and more problems. I say this because even when war sometimes does solve a problem between two nations those nations’ people will never be able to live the same way. The consequences of war can be horrific; people can lose their homes, schools can be destroyed, people’s food sources can be cut off, and ultimately people can lose their whole families due to war.The nations are not only financially weaker but now you have ruined people’s lives on top of it. Both views can be favored at any time in the world; this depends on what is going on in the world. Liberalism is obviously going to be favored if the whole world was at peace. The reason I say this because if there were no wars going on people would not be so worried about security and power of their nation. They wouldn’t have to side with the realists view of security because there is no threat to their nation. While on the other hand if there are wars going on around the world people are going to favor realists iews because they are afraid of what could happen without a strong enough military to protect them. I cannot blame the realists’ views on security because there is a lot of violence in the world and if you do not have a strong enough military tragedies could happen to your nation. I feel that the only reason why Realists views still remain is because there are so many worries in the world. There is always going to be conflict over new global chal lenges such as worry of HIV, climate change, nuclear weapons and even cyber-attacks.We will never be able to eliminate all of the global challenges that arise but I don’t see why there has to be so much violence in the world. Every day in the news more and more innocent people die for no reason whether it’s in the United States or Cairo it doesn’t matter, the violence needs to stop. It is pointless to have nations flush billions of dollars down the drain every year over the dumbest things. Nations should keep their money that they get from taxes and help out their own nation and work to eliminate internal problems instead of always focusing on external problems.Who cares if other nations want to blow themselves up let them work out their own problems, other nations don’t need to jump in and make the problem worse. The only thing that comes out of war and violence is death and death to me doesn’t solve any problems. If it were up to me every nation would have to drop their weapons and talk there problems out. The problem with this though is violence has been in the history of every nation at some point, so everyone just knows violence as a way to solve a problem.I am not saying that we should never again raise a weapon to protect ourselves but we cannot always rely on violence to solve our problems it is just a huge waste of money and just creates a higher death toll. The thing is people think that when two nations go to war over a certain issue that the outcome will result in a resolution of that issue but that is not always true it usually ends in a temporary resolution but then sometime in the near future that issue will rise again whether it is between the same countries or different ones.All nations need to work together to resolve world problems so that those problems will not have to arise again. We should not have to use violence to deal with our issues we should just simply talk it out and combine our ideas to have a resolution for that problem. I know that it is not that easy to do, but we can talk things out without people dying and spending billions on pointless firearms. Yes, talking out our problems may take a while till we can agree on a resolution but war isn’t exactly a fast resolution either.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Imagery of Blood, Light and Clothing in Macbeth by William...

Imagery of Blood, Light and Clothing in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Imagery, the art of making images, the product of imagination (Merriam- Webster). Shakespeare uses many forms of imagery in his writing of Macbeth. Three main forms of imagery in this play are blood, light and darkness, and clothing. Within each form of this imagery Shakespeare incorporates symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. In Macbeth blood symbolizes many things. We have all known blood to represent life, death, and often injury. In the play, Shakespeare uses blood to represent treason, guilt, murder, and death. Shakespeare uses the word blood many times throughout Macbeth. The best†¦show more content†¦Such as seen on pg.124 Act I scene v when lady Macbeth asks the spirits Make thick my blood. In this quote she wants to make herself insensitive towards the deeds that she is about to commit. Towards the end of the play blood symbolizes guilt. This is best seen on pg. 176 Act V scene ii, when Lady Macbeth states Out, damned spot! Out, I say! One: two: why, then tis time to do t. In this quote Lady Macbeth is remembering the night of the murder. It is the guilt in her soul that is making hr have these recurring nightmares. The last symbolism of blood is on pg. 185 Act II scene viii when Macduff states I have no words: my voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villian than terms can give thee out! In this quote the imagery of blood again begins to deal with honor. The second form of imagery Shakespeare uses is light and darkness. In the play Macbeth Shakespeare uses the witches, the guilt in Macbeths soul, and the darkness of the night to establish the atmosphere. The immoral scenes of the play seem to take place at night. For instance, the vision of the dagger, the murder of Duncan, the murder of Banquo, and Lady Macbeths sleep walking. In the opening scene the witches set the mood of the play. A great storm of thunder and lightning is taking place one of the witches ask When shall we meet again? One replies That will be ere set of sun. This is foreshadowing the evil that takes place in the night. Another example ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Images and Imagery in Macbeth939 Words   |  4 PagesImagery in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   Darkness, disorder, mayhem, fear, guilt, and hypocrisy are all important themes carried throughout William Shakespeares Macbeth by the effective use of imagery in reference to ill-fitting clothing, blood, and light verses dark. Imagery in this play tiptoes its way though every scene to create a malevolent atmosphere of shame and false pretenses.    The contrast between light and dark during Macbeth clearly relates to the conflict between good andRead MoreImagery in Macbeth by William Shakespeare1172 Words   |  5 PagesImagery in Macbeth William Shakespeare use of imagery creates a picture in the mind of his audiences that tells a thousand words. 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